Links for July 1st

Here are some links I found interesting this week.

Social Status: Differences in Desire and Attainment

Part II: At High School Debates, Watch What You Say | The Free Press

hermeticus store

M Cave and the Unexplained Disappearance of Kenny Veach โ€“ Nevada Magazine

LLM Powered Autonomous Agents | Lil'Log

AI Winners, Losers and Wannabes: Valuing AI's Boost to NVIDIA's Value! - YouTube

Why Work on Crypto | Zefram's Blog

pmndrs/react-three-fiber: ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ A React renderer for Three.js

The Right Way to Talk About Vaccines - Tablet Magazine

The economics of Varda Space Industries manufacturing drugs ยท


"The Huang Yanqiu Incident" A rural villager would on three separate occasions go missing after going to bed only to wake up in a major city thousands of miles away and arrived in the city faster than he should've been possible given the distance. : Unres

Unfuckable Hate Nerds - Tablet Magazine

The Alchian-Allen Effect

Scaling the Linear Sync Engine - Linear Blog

How to Do Great Work